Maine: $14.4 Million in Legal Marijuana Sales in February, 242,282 Different Transactions

There was $14 million in legal marijuana purchased in Maine in February, bringing the total for the year to $28 million.

This is according to data released by Maine’s Office of Cannabis Policy (OCP), which is part of the Department of Administrative and Financial Services. In total there was $14,451,293 worth of marijuana and marijuana products purchased in Maine, which has a population of around 1.3 million. This is a slight increase from the previous month, with $14,235,248 sold in January. The yearly total is now $28,686,541.

OCP data shows there were 242,282 different marijuana sales transactions in February, and 484,459 for the year. The average price of a gram currently stands at $7.93, $0.11 lower then the average in January. The average cost per transaction was $59.

In February $8.7 million of the $14.4 million in marijuana sold came from dried marijuana flower, with $2.27 million coming from infused products and $3.47 million from concentrates such as hash and oil. These numbers would likely be much higher if not for the fact that dozens of municipalities do not allow marijuana retail outlets, with Maine having an opt-in system for their legal marijuana industry.

In Maine marijuana receives a 5.5% general sales tax rate at retail, with edibles taxed at 8%. There is no excise tax on marijuana sales, as is the case in many other legal marijuana state. Based on these rates Maine brought in around $780,000 in tax revenue from legal marijuana sales in February, with $182,000 of that coming from edible sales.

More sales data for Maine’s legal marijuana market can be found by clicking here.

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