Legislation filed by State Representative Cameron Miller would legalize cannabis events and establish a license for “portable cannabis vendors”.

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Assembly Bill 253 would legalize the social use of marijuana in licensed places and during licensed events. It also explicitly allows for portable cannabis vendors who would be authorized to sell marijuana and marijuana products to those 21 and older at cannabis events and certain other events such as concerts.
The measure has been assigned to the House Judiciary Committee. It will need to receive approval by two committees before it can receive a vote by the full House of Representatives.
According to its official summary, the measure provides “for the licensure and regulation by the Cannabis Compliance Board of certain events at which the sale and consumption of cannabis or cannabis products is allowed”, and it sets forth “certain requirements for the issuance of a cannabis event organizer license, temporary cannabis event permit and portable cannabis vendor license.”
Under the proposed law individuals who have been negatively impacted by laws criminalizing marijuana would get priority for cannabis organizer licenses.
“Just like any event, you would go to the city and ask for a liquor license, this is the same concept.” says A’Esha Goins founder of the Cannabis Equity and Inclusion Community, a group lobbying in favor of the measure. “This is the Nevada. This is truly what we do we introduce small businesses. We establish new ideologies. We are innovated when it comes to how businesses show up. So yes, I think this is the next wave.”
You can read the full text of Assembly Bill 253 by clicking here.