Oregon Grants First Ever License for Magic Mushroom Production

Almost two and a half years after Oregon voters approved the legalization of psilocybin (“magic mushrooms”), the state has issued the first license for its production.

Psilocybin mushrooms.

The Oregon Health Authority announced today that it has issues its first psilocybin manufacturing license, which was awarded to the Portland-based company Satori Farms PDX LLC The company is owned by Tori Armbrust.

“We congratulate Tori Armbrust of Satori Farms PDX LLC for being issued the first psilocybin license in Oregon’s history and for representing women leading the way for the emerging psilocybin ecosystem,” said Oregon Psilocybin Services Section Manager Angie Allbee following the announcement. “We are committed to fostering an inclusive partnership with our regulated community to ensure safe, effective and equitable psilocybin services throughout the state.”

Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) is in charge of licensing psilocybin facilitators, manufacturers, service centers and laboratories. Its also in charge of ensuring companies issued a license are following proper regulations.

The OPS plans to issue more licenses for producers, labs and service centers in the coming days and weeks. They first began accepting applications for licensure on January 2 of this year.

Ballot Measure 109, now codified as ORS 475A, directs the Oregon Health Authority to license and regulate the manufacturing, transportation, delivery, sale, and purchase of psilocybin products and the provision of psilocybin services.

You can find more information on Oregon Psilocybin Services and its licensing process by clicking here.

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