Maine Legislature Approves Bill to Establish Gun Rights for Marijuana Consumers

Legislation that would allow marijuana consumers to legally possess firearms and firearm ammo has been passed by Maine’s full legislature.

House Bill 1103 has now been passed by the full Senate as well as the full House of Representatives, with both chambers concurring around the same bill text. The measure will now be sent to Governor Janet Mills for consideration,

Filed by State Representative David Boyer, HB 1103 is cosponsored by a tripartisan group of seven other lawmakers.

According to its official summary, this bill “exempts persons who use or possess cannabis pursuant to the Cannabis Legalization Act or the Maine Medical Use of Cannabis Act from the prohibition on the possession of a firearm provided in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 15, section 393.”

Initially the measure would have prohibited “a state employee or municipal official from assisting a federal agency or federal official with locating, apprehending, arresting or charging a person alleged to have violated 18 United States Code, Section 922(g)(3) because the person possesses or uses cannabis pursuant to Title 22, chapter 558-C or Title 28-B.” However, this section of the bill was removed via an amendment.

You can find the full text of House Bill 1103 by clicking here.

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