Wisconsin: Marijuana Legalization Bill Filed in Assembly, Companion Bill Already Filed in Senate

Just nine days after a bill to legalize marijuana was filed in the Wisconsin Senate, a companion bill has been filed in the state’s Assembly.

Wisconsin Assembly Bill 506 was filed with 36 cosponsors, led by State Representative Darrin Madison. It has been assigned to the Committee on State Affairs. Companion bill SB 486 has been assigned to the Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Committee.

Both SB 486 and AB 506 would legalize the personal possession of up to five ounces of marijuana for everyone who is at least 21 years old. The personal cultivation of up to six marijuana plants would also be allowed.

Under the bills licensed marijuana stores would be authorized to sell dried marijuana as well as a variety of other marijuana products including edibles and tinctures. There would be a 15% excise tax on licensed marijuana producers, and a 10% tax on marijuana retailers and lounges, with medical marijuana patients exempt from all marijuana taxes.

A person who is under 21 who possesses marijuana would be subject to a penalty, which varies depending on the amount possessed. If the violation involves not more than one-quarter of an ounce, the person is subject to a forfeiture of not more than $50; if the violation involves more than one-quarter of an ounce but not more than five ounces, the person is subject to a forfeiture of not more than $100; and if the violation involves more than five ounces, the person is subject to a forfeiture of not more than $200.

The full text of Assembly Bill 506 can be found by clicking here.

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