Canada: CA$444 Million in Marijuana Sold in September, over 3,600 Marijuana Stores Now Open

In Canada there was nearly half a billion dollars worth of legal marijuana sold in September.

According to Statistics Canada, there was CA$440 million worth of legal marijuana and marijuana products sold in September. This is a slight decrease over the CA$464 million sold in August, but a roughly 10% increase over the CA$392 sold during the same period in 2022.

As of October 1, there are now 3,654 licensed marijuana retail outlets located throughout Canada, an increase of 14 stores from the month prior. The vast majority of these are located in Ontario, with there being 1,770. This is followed by British Columbia with 513 and Manitoba with 194.

In terms of sales, the top five jurisdictions goes as follows (note: data is not available for the Northwest Territories or Nunavut):

  • Ontario: CA $175 million
  • Alberta: CA$76 million
  • British Columbia: CA$72
  • Quebec: CA$53 million
  • Saskatchewan: CA$19 million

Canada legalized marijuana in 2018 through its parliament, via legislation proposed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Under the law those 18 and older can purchase and possess up to 30 grams of marijuana and up to 10 grams of marijuana concentrates. They are also allowed to cultivate up to four marijuana plants for personal use.

More detailed data on Canada’s legal marijuana industry can be found by clicking here.

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