Oregon: $81 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold in December, $950 Million for the Year

In Oregon there was over $80 million in marijuana sold through legal outlets in December.

According to the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission, licensed marijuana stores sold $81,332,264 worth of marijuana and marijuana products in December. This is a roughly $5 million increase over the previous month, and a $2 million increase over the previous December.

In December Multnomah County by far sold the most amount of marijuana at $18.3 million, followed by Washington County with $8.9 million and Malheur County with $8.8 million.

Total marijuana sales since the first recreational marijuana store opened in October, 2016 is now $6.22 billion. Total sales for 2023 fell just short of $1 billion at $955 million.

The average price per gram of dried marijuana dropped slightly, from $3.81 to $3.79. The average price of marijuana concentrates saw a very slight increase from $15.92 to $16.

The average cost per gram of marijuana when the first retail outlet opened by $10.50, and the average cost per gram of marijuana concentrates was $45.

Based on Oregon’s 17% marijuana excise tax, the state garnered over $12 million in taxes for the marijuana sold in December. This does not include taxes garnered from the up to 3% citywide tax implemented by some localities.

Oregon’s marijuana law was approved by voters in 2014. Under the law those 21 and older are allowed to possess up to two ounces of marijuana, or eight ounces at home, as well as one ounce of marijuana extracts, 16 ounces of marijuana-infused solids and 72 ounces of marijuana-infused liquids.

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