Legislation that would legalize psilocybin service centers has been passed unanimously by an Arizona Senate committee.

Dried psilocybin mushrooms. (Photo credit: Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite).
The Senate Health and Human Services Committee voted 7 to 0 today to pass Senate Bill 1570. The measure, filed last week by Senator Thomas Shope (R) along with eight cosponsors, would legalize psilocybin service centers where individuals can come and legally consume psilocybin mushrooms in a medical, supervised setting.
The law would give the Department of Human Services (DHS) the authority to license psilocybin service centers, where trained staff could administer psilocybin to patrons. An Arizona Psilocybin Advisory Board would be established and tasked with overseeing training criteria for those working at service centers. The board would also recommend to lawmakers any potential law changes.
The board would be required to submit an annual report on “medical, psychological and scientific” studies related to psilocybin, starting on July 31 of next year. The board would also be tasked with developing a long-term plan for ensuring psilocybun access remains “safe, accessible and affordable”.
The measure must be passed by the full Senate before it can be sent to the House of Representatives. If it’s approved through both chambers, it will be sent to Governor Katie Hobbs for final consideration.