New Hampshire Committee Votes Unanimously to Double Medical Marijuana Possession Limit

A committee in New Hampshire’s House of Representatives has voted to advance a bill to double the possession limit for medical marijuana.

House Bill 1350 was filed in December by State Representative Heath Howard (D) along with four cosponsors. Today, the measure was approved through the Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee 19 to 0, moving it one step closer to a full House vote.

Under the proposed law, the possession limit for medical marijuana patients would be increased from two ounces, to four ounces. The current two ounce limit was established under the state’s medical marijuana law, passed in 2013.

The full one-page text of House Bill 1350 can be found by clicking here.

Last week a second committee in the New Hampshire House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill that would allow medical marijuana to be recommended for any condition a physician deems appropriate, rather than having to follow a set list of qualifying conditions.

Also last week the House voted 239 to 141 to pass House Bill 1633. The measure would allow those 21 and older to possess up to four ounces of marijuana, 10 grams of marijuana concentrates and edibles with up to 2,000 mg of THC, while allowing them to purchase marijuana from licensed marijuana retail outlets.

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