Poll: 64% of Florida Voters Plan to Vote Yes on Amendment 3 to Legalize Recreational Marijuana

According to newly released polling, a strong majority of voters in Florida support a constitutional amendment to make marijuana legal for everyone 21 and older.

The poll, conducted by the University of North Florida’s Public Opinion Research Lab, found that 64% of likely voters plan to vote “yes” on Amendment 3, which would legalize recreational marijuana. Just 31% of voters plan to vote “no”, with 5% undecided.

Democrats were by far the most supportive of Amendment 3, at 79% followed by independents at 63% and Republicans at 50%.

The results are similar to a University of North Florida poll released in November, which found that 67% of likely voters support Amendment 3, with 28% opposed.

Fox News poll released last month showed support to be almost exactly the same, at 66%, with 32% opposed.

Amendment 3 proposes to amend Florida’s constitution to allow individuals aged 21 and older to possess and use up to three ounces of dried marijuana flower and up to five grams of marijuana concentrates. These products would be available for purchase at licensed marijuana retail outlets and medical marijuana dispensaries that hold dual licenses.

Smart & Safe Florida, the group behind Amendment 3, has already raised over $66 million, more than any statewide marijuana initiative in US history.

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