New Hampshire Governor Approves Medical Marijuana for All Conditions

Legislation allowing medical marijuana for any condition a physician deems necessary has been signed into law by New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu.

House Bill 1278, filed by State Representative Wendy Thomas, successfully passed both the House and Senate last month. Governor Sununu has now signed it into law, officially removing the state’s list of qualifying medical marijuana conditions. The new law permits medical marijuana for “any debilitating or terminal medical condition or symptom for which the potential benefits of using therapeutic cannabis would, in the provider’s clinical opinion, likely outweigh the potential health risks for the patient.”

The measure stipulates that certifying providers must include the patient’s specific condition or symptom on the written certification and attest to their clinical opinion.

With this new law, any licensed physician in New Hampshire can recommend medical marijuana for any condition, eliminating the need for a predefined list of qualifying conditions.

Signing of the measure comes a week after Governor Sununu signed legislation to add anxiety to the state’s list of medical marijuana conditions, a measure that is now essentially moot with the enactment of House Bill 1278.

For the full text of House Bill 1278, click here.

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