Legislation to Support Collective Bargaining for Marijuana Workers Filed in Washington Legislature

Legislation to establish collective bargaining rights for marijuana workers was filed yesterday in the Washington State House of Representatives.

House Bill 1141, introduced by State Representatives Lillian Ortiz-Self and Mary Fossee on December 30, 2024, seeks to establish collective bargaining rights for workers in Washington’s marijuana industry. The bill is scheduled for consideration during the 2025 legislative session and aims to extend labor protections to workers involved in marijuana cultivation and processing.

The proposed legislation establishes guidelines for organizing labor unions, resolving labor disputes, and protecting workers’ rights to collective bargaining. Employees covered under the bill include those performing tasks such as growing, harvesting, drying, and trimming marijuana on licensed farms. Managers and supervisors with decision-making authority are excluded from these provisions.

Under HB 1141, employers cannot interfere with employees’ efforts to form unions or select bargaining representatives. If disputes arise regarding representation, the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) will mediate, including conducting elections to certify exclusive bargaining representatives. The bill also mandates that employers provide relevant employee information, such as contact details and employment terms, to recognized unions.

Additional provisions address unfair labor practices, prohibiting employers from retaliating against employees engaged in union activities or refusing to negotiate in good faith. Likewise, labor organizations are barred from coercive practices or discriminatory actions against employees.

HB 1141 underscores the importance of binding arbitration in labor disputes, ensuring that unresolved issues can be adjudicated fairly. Employers must also honor existing collective bargaining agreements until a new agreement is reached, with specific provisions allowing for unilateral actions if negotiations stall.

In last month’s election Oregon voters overwhelmingly approved an initiative that establishes collective bargaining rights for marijuana workers.

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