Ohio: Nearly $500 Million in Marijuana Sales Since Recreational Market Launch on August 7

Since Ohio launched their recreational marijuana market on August 7, the state has generated nearly $500 million in total sales.

Data released today by the Ohio Division of Cannabis Control shows that there has been $319,594,427 in recreational marijuana sold since August 7, as of February 8, while medical marijuana sales contributed $170,751,919.

Between August 7 and February 8, there were 4,316,745 recreational transactions and 1,675,103 medical transactions, with a combined total of 5,991,848 transactions.

The average price per gram continues to drop, with the current price being $6.78, a 27% decrease from the $9.40 reported in August.

Since the start of legal medical marijuana sales in the state, Ohio has generated $2,408,356,156 in all-time sales, with a total of 22,460,092 transactions.

Ohio law allows adults 21 and older to possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana and 15 grams of concentrates. Medical marijuana patients may have a 90-day supply, which includes up to eight ounces of dried marijuana or 26.55 grams of concentrates.

Recreational purchases are taxed at a 10% excise rate, along with Ohio’s 5.75% state sales tax and local sales taxes ranging from 0.25% to 2.25%. Medical marijuana patients are exempt from the excise tax and only pay the state sales tax.

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