Anthony Martinelli is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Marijuana Herald, a daily marijuana news and information website that launched in 2018. You can reach Anthony at [email protected].
Author's posts
Nov 05 2022
Study: Cannabis May Help Those With Treatment-Resistant Fibromyalgia
According to new study published in the peer-reviewed journal Pain Practice and epublished by the U.S. National Institute of Health, cannabis may play a “significant role” in combatting treatment-resistant fibromyalgia in women. Fibromyalgia is a complex pain-focused syndrome, and previous studies “showed that Cannabis is efficacious in promoting sleep, deepening and lengthening the sleep cycle, …
Nov 04 2022
In Just 4 Days Voters in These 5 States Can Legalize Marijuana
We’re now just 4 days away from the November 8th general election, in which five states have an opportunity to legalize recreational marijuana. If voters in Maryland, Arkansas, South Dakota, North Dakota and Missouri decide that marijuana should in fact be legal for everyone 21 and older, for any purpose, it will bring the total …
Nov 03 2022
Study: Cannabis Use Is Inversely Associated with Metabolic Disorders in Patients With Hepatitis C
According to a new study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, “cannabis use was associated with a lower risk of hypertension and a lower number of metabolic disorders” among those with the Hepatitis C virus. For the study researchers examined the relationship between current and/or lifetime cannabis use and metabolic disorders in a cohort …
Nov 02 2022
Study: Fragile X Syndrome Patients Report Improvement in Symptoms With CBD
A large majority of patients with Fragile X Syndrome reported that CBD improved some of their symptoms and “made a positive difference overall” in a new study. The study was published in the journal Genes as well as on the website for the U.S. National Library of Medicine, and is titled Parent and Caregiver Perspectives …
Nov 01 2022
Peer-Reviewed Study: Smoking Cannabis is More Effective than CBD Extracts for Back Pain
According to a new study published in the peer-reviewed Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal, smoking cannabis is more effective than taking CBD extracts if suffering from back pain. This observational open-label study “sought to investigate the effectiveness of cannabis therapy for alleviating low back pain symptoms.” The study was conducted by researchers at Tel Aviv University, …
Oct 29 2022
Judge Orders Nevada to Remove Marijuana from Controlled Substances List
A judge in Clark County, Nevada has ruled that the state’s Board of Pharmacy must remove marijuana from the list of controlled substances. Clark County District Court Judge Joe Hardy ruled that the pharmacy board does not have the legal authority to regulate marijuana based on its status as a state-level legal substance. As such, …
Oct 29 2022
New Jersey Assembly Approves Bill to Allow Marijuana Businesses to Take State Tax Deductions
By a vote of 60 to 6 the New Jersey Assembly has voted to pass legislation allowing licensed marijuana retail outlets to deduct expenses on their state tax return. The move is being seen as a partial remedy to IRS code 280E, which prevents federally illegal entities from taking tax deductions. Supporters of the move …
Oct 27 2022
President Biden’s Marijuana Pardons to Effect 6,557 People Says Sentencing Commission
New estimates from the U.S. Sentencing Commission (USSC) has found that President Biden’s plan to pardon federal marijuana convictions will impact 6,557 citizens. The analysis from the USSC uses federal conviction data dating back 30 years to 1992. The Commission found that the southwest and the mid-Atlantic region of the country will see the most …
Oct 27 2022
Study: Legalizing Marijuana Has No Impact on the Perceived Risk of Marijuana Use Among Children
The state level legalization of recreational marijuana has no discernible impact on how children feel about the potential risks associated with marijuana use. This is according to a new peer-reviewed study being published in the upcoming issue of the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research and epublished ahead of print by the National Institute of Health. …
Oct 26 2022
Germany Government Unveils Plan to Legalize Marijuana
Germany’s health minister unveiled a plan today to legalize the possession of up to 30 grams of cannabis and to allow it to be sold through licensed retail outlets. Health Minister Karl Lauterbach says he will check with the European Union’s executive commission whether the plan approved by the German government is in line with …