Category: News

Bipartisan Federal Bill Introduced to Allow Veterans Affairs Doctors to Recommend Medical Marijuana

U.S. Representatives Brian Mast (R-FL) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), along with 15 bipartisan cosponsors, have reintroduced the Veterans Equal Access Act (H.R. 2431). The proposal would expand and facilitate medical cannabis access to military veterans suffering from chronic pain, PTSD, and other serious medical conditions by allowing physicians affiliated with the Department of Veterans Affairs …

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Texas Bill to Add Chronic Pain as Medical Marijuana Condition and Replace THC Cap Scheduled for House Vote

A legislative proposal to expand Texas’ medical marijuana program has been scheduled for a vote by the House of Representatives on Tuesday, April 11. Last month the House Public Health Committee gave approval to House Bill 1805, sponsored by Representative Stephanie Klick. The proposal would add chronic pain “for which a physician would otherwise prescribe …

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Arkansas Senate Committee Passes Bill to Codify Medical Marijuana Gun Rights

An Arkansas bill to codify gun rights for medical marijuana patients that’s already passed the House of Representatives has now been approved by a Senate committee. The Senate Committee on City, County and Local Affairs has voted to advance legislation that would amend the state’s gun laws to explicitly establish legal rights for medical marijuana …

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Missouri: $126 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold in March

Despite being just the second month of legal sales, there was over $90 million in recreational marijuana and marijuana products purchased in Missouri in March, with millions more in medical marijuana sales. According to data released by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, there was $93.5 million in recreational marijuana sold at licensed …

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New Hampshire House Votes 272 to 109 to Legalize Marijuana

New Hampshire’s full House of Representatives has overwhelmingly approved legislation to legalize recreational marijuana. The House’s approval of House Bill 639, sponsored by Majority Leader Jason Osborne (Republican) and Minority Leader Matthew Wilhelm (Democrat), sends it to the Senate for consideration. The proposal would legalize the possession of up to four ounces of marijuana for …

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Arkansas Senate Passes Resolution to Extend Medical Marijuana Authorizations, Reduce Cost for Seniors / Veterans

An Arkansas resolution that would direct state officials to extend medical marijuana authorizations to be valid for two years instead of one, while greatly reducing the cost for seniors and veterans, has been adopted by the Senate. Senate Resolution 54 was filed by Senator Clint Penzo on April 3, and was passed by the Senate …

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Study Finds Association Between Medical Cannabis and Improved Outcomes in Chronic Pain Patients

A new UK study “observed an association between initiation of CBMP [Cannabis-Based Medicinal Products] treatment and improved outcomes for chronic pain patients.” Published in the journal Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, and epublished by the National Library of Medicine, the study “evaluated the clinical outcomes of patients enrolled in the UK Medical Cannabis Registry, who were treated …

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U.S. Sentencing Commission Approves Advising Judges To Treat Past Marijuana Convictions More Leniently

The U.S. Sentencing Commission has voted in favor of a proposal that updates sentencing guidelines to advise judges to treat past offenses related to marijuana in a more lenient manner. The commission voted in favor of the change today through a unanimous voice vote, while also voting to advise that marijuana possession warrants discretion in …

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Colorado Bill Would Allow Marijuana Stores to Sell Marijuana Online and Deliver It

A recently filed bill in Colorado’s House of Representatives would allow licensed marijuana retail outlets to legally sell marijuana and marijuana products online, and would also allow marijuana deliveries. In Colorado although consumers can preorder marijuana through an online menu for pickup, they cannot purchase marijuana online and have it delivered to them. House Bill …

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Maryland Legislature Votes 170 to 12 to Redefine Child Neglect to Remove Marijuana Use by Parents/Guardians

Maryland legislation to codify that the use of marijuana by a parent or legal guardian does not by itself constitute child neglect has been passed by Maryland’s full legislature. House Bill 232 was passed overwhelmingly by both the House of Representatives and Senate. It passed the House last month with just one of 135 votes …

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