DEA Official: Marijuana Set to be Rescheduled by October, Thousands of Comments Already Analyzed

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) remains on track to finalize the rescheduling of marijuana by October, according to an agency official.

The public comment period for the proposed rescheduling ended on July 22, with over 43,000 comments submitted. The DEA is currently analyzing these comments, with a final ruling anticipated within the coming weeks.

The proposal to move marijuana to Schedule III was first published by the DEA on May 21, initiating a 60-day public comment period. With that period now concluded, the DEA’s focus has shifted to reviewing every comment, as required by law. According to the DEA official, this process is progressing as planned, despite the volume of comments.
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Mike Tyson Backs Florida’s Amendment 3 to Legalize Recreational Marijuana

Legendary boxer Mike Tyson has announced his support for Florida’s Amendment 3, which would make recreational marijuana a constitutional right.

(Photo credit: 303 Magazine).

This week, Tyson released a video supporting Amendment 3, a ballot initiative that would allow those 21+ in Florida to legally purchase, possess, and consume marijuana. Sitting in a boxing gym, Tyson addressed Florida voters directly, urging them to back the amendment.

“Florida voters, this is Mike Tyson, urging you to support Amendment 3,” Tyson said in the video. “Like most of you, I support the freedom to buy, possess, and consume marijuana without the threat of being incarcerated. So, yes! Vote Amendment 3. Now.”
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California Committee Approves House-Backed Bill to Allow Growers to Sell Marijuana at Farmers Markets

A key committee in the California Legislature has passed legislation (Assembly Bill 1111) that would enable marijuana growers to sell their products directly to consumers at state-sanctioned farmers markets and other temporary events.

The legislation, introduced by Assemblymember Gail Pellerin (D), received unanimous approval from the Senate Appropriations Committee yesterday, with the voting being 4 to 0. In May 2023, the measure was passed through the state’s Assembly by a vote of 74 to 1. It was subsequently approved through two Senate committees later that year.

Now that the proposal has been passed through the Senate Appropriations Committee, it can be considered by the full Senate. If it passes the Senate, it will be sent back to the Assembly for one final vote given it was amended in committee. If it passes the Senate, and the Assembly concurs with changes, it will be sent to Governor Gavin Newsom for final consideration.
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Medical Marijuana Now Legal in Ukraine

Legislation legalizing medical marijuana in Ukraine officially takes effect today.

In February, President Zelenskyy signed the legislation into law, following approval through the nation’s Verkhovna Rada with 248 of the body’s 450 members voting in favor.

Under the new law, which moves marijuana from the most prohibitive Schedule I list of drugs to Schedule II, those with a qualifying condition who receive a recommendation from a physician are authorized to possess and use medical marijuana. Although the law at the time of passage only applies to severe illness like cancer as well as war-borne post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), proponents of the measure have said that the country can expand the list of qualifying conditions once it’s passed.
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North Carolina’s First-Ever Recreational Marijuana Store Opens in Three Weeks for Everyone 21+

In a historic milestone for North Carolina, the state’s first-ever recreational marijuana store is set to open in just three weeks, welcoming all adults aged 21 and older.

Operated by the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, the marijuana “megastore” is located on tribal lands in the town of Cherokee.  The outlet, named the Great Smoky Cannabis Company, first opened on April 20 exclusively for medical marijuana patients, with the grand opening for recreational marijuana sales scheduled for Saturday, September 7. The store is allowed to operate despite marijuana being illegal for all uses in North Carolina because it’s situated on sovereign tribal land.

The store, which is one of the largest marijuana stores in the nation (located at the home of a former bingo hall that cost over $50 million to refurbish), will offer a wide array of cannabis products, including flower, edibles, and concentrates.
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Poll: Voters in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan Strongly Favor Legalizing Marijuana and Federal Marijuana Banking Reform

A recent poll conducted by The Tarrance Group shows strong support among likely voters in the key swing states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin for legalizing marijuana.

According to the poll, a significant majority of voters across these states, regardless of political affiliation, are in favor of legalization. Specifically, 64% of voters in Michigan, 58% in Pennsylvania, and 62% in Wisconsin support legalizing marijuana for adults. Of these states, only Michigan has passed a law legalizing marijuana.

When it comes to medical marijuana, support was much higher, at 83% in both Michigan and Wisconsin, and 79% in Pennsylvania. In each state, 20% of less said they support keeping marijuana as a Schedule I drug federally.
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Study: Cannabinoids Show Promise in Treating Periodontal Disease

A study published in the latest issue of the journal Pharmaceutics indicates that cannabinoids may be useful in treating periodontal disease.

CBD tincture.

Titled The Role of Different Types of Cannabinoids in Periodontal Disease: An Integrative Review, the study explores the involvement of cannabinoid receptors in both healthy and inflamed periodontal tissues. In addition to the journal Pharmaceutics, the study was published online by the National Library of Medicine.

The review reveals that healthy periodontal cells express higher levels of CB1 receptors, while inflamed sites show an increase in CB2 receptors. This dynamic expression suggests that the endocannabinoid system (ES) may play a crucial role in the inflammatory response associated with periodontal disease (PD).
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North Dakota Voters to Decide on Marijuana Legalization This November with Measure 5

North Dakota voters will have the chance to legalize recreational marijuana this November, as Measure 5 has officially qualified for the ballot.

New Economic Frontier, the organization behind the initiative, successfully gathered over 22,000 valid signatures, exceeding the required threshold of 15,582. This gives voters the opportunity to consider the measure this November 5.

Measure 5, if passed, would legalize the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana, four grams of marijuana concentrates, and 1,500 milligrams of adult-use cannabinoid products for individuals aged 21 and older. The measure also includes provisions for residents to cultivate up to three marijuana plants for personal use. Additionally, it would establish a regulated market for the sale of marijuana products through licensed retailers.
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Maryland Achieves Record-Breaking Marijuana Sales in July

There was more legal marijuana sold in July in Maryland than in any previous month.

There was a total of $97,917,735 worth of marijuana and marijuana products sold through legal means in July, according to the Maryland Cannabis Administration. Around $70 million of these sales were recreational marijuana products, with medical marijuana patients purchasing the remaining $27 million.

The $97.9 million sold in July breaks the previous monthly record of $96.8 million set in May of this year. The year-to-date total for marijuana sales in Maryland is now $655 million.
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New Jersey Commission Mandates Reinstatement and Backpay for Third Jersey City Officer Fired Over Marijuana Use

In a continuing saga over marijuana consumption among law enforcement, Jersey City has faced another legal setback in its attempt to punish officers over their off-the-job marijuana use.

On Wednesday, the New Jersey Civil Service Commission mandated the reinstatement of Police Officer Mackenzie Reilly, who was dismissed in August 2023 after a random drug test detected cannabis in his system. Alongside his reinstatement, Reilly is to receive back pay and benefits.

This decision marks the third time the commission has overruled Jersey City’s attempts to terminate officers for off-duty cannabis use. Despite the state attorney general’s clear stance that police officers cannot be disciplined for legally consuming cannabis while off duty, Jersey City has terminated at least five officers on these grounds. The city’s legal team contends that federal laws prohibiting cannabis users from purchasing and possessing firearms and ammunition extend to police officers, thereby justifying the dismissals.
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