Florida Bill to Preemptively Limit THC Content of Legal Marijuana Dies in Committee

Legislation to place a THC cap on recreational marijuana appears to have died in committee.

Earlier this month the Senate Health Policy Committee voted 7 to 3 to pass a bill placing a 30% THC cap on dried marijuana flower and a 60% THC cap on marijuana concentrates, despite marijuana not yet being legal in the state. This sent the measure to the Senate Fiscal Policy Committee. Given the committee’s final meeting of the session is today, and Senate Bill 7050 is not on the committee’s agenda, this signals that the measure will not receive a vote and thus is officially dead for the session.

A companion measure – House Bill 1269 – also appears unlikely to advance in the Senate this session, even if it’s approved by the full House of Representatives. The measure was approved earlier this month by the House Healthcare Regulation Subcommittee.
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California: $4.4 Billion in Legal Marijuana Sold in 2023, Resulting in Over $1 Billion in Tax Revenue

There was over $1.1 billion in legal marijuana sold in the final quarter of 2023 in California, bringing the yearly total to $4.4 billion.

According to the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration, there was $1,050,401,980 in marijuana sold legally in Q4, 2023. This brings the total for 2023 to $4,399,048,681.

The over $4 billion in marijuana sales in 2023 resulted in $1,082,452,368 in tax revenue for the state. $461,308,257 of this came from the state’s sales tax, and $621,144,111 coming from the state’s marijuana excise tax.
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Wyoming Senate Passes Measure to Ban Delta-8 THC

Legislation that would place a ban on the production and distribution of THC derived from hemp, including delta-8 and delta-10 THC, has been passed by Wyoming’s full Senate.

Gummies made with delta-8 THC.

On Thursday the Wyoming Senate passed Senate Bill 32 in an 18 to 13 vote, sending it to the state’s House of Representatives. Today the measure was assigned to the House Judiciary Committee.

Under the proposed law, the production and distribution of synthetic THC would be prohibited, as would any delta-8 and delta-10 THC derived from hemp. Hemp products would not be permitted to have more than 0.3% delta-9 THC.
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DEA Should “Reject” Arguments that Rescheduling Marijuana Violates International Treaties, Says Congressmember

Congresswoman Sydney Kamlager-Dove (CA-37) has sent a letter to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) urging them to reject any argument in support of maintaining marijuana in Schedule I or Schedule II based on U.S. Treaty obligations.

This letter is in response to a former letter from the DEA, which stated that the Administration would conduct a review of the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) recommendation to reschedule marijuana from a Schedule I to a Schedule III drug under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), states a press release.

The letter emphasizes that applicable Treaties neither require the U.S. to keep marijuana in Schedule I or II nor do they preclude the DEA from accepting HHS’s recommendation.
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Massachusetts Committee Approves Bill Prohibiting Employment Discrimination Based On Marijuana Use

Legislation that would prohibit employers from discriminating against those who legally use marijuana off the job has been passed by its initial committee.

House Bill 4426 was introduced today by the House Joint Committee on Cannabis Policy along with cosponsors State Representatives Muchael Kushmerek, Colleen Garry and Rady Mom. Also today, the measure was “reported favorably” by the Cannabis Policy Committee and referred to the House Steering, Policy and Scheduling Committee.

The measure prevents an employer from refusing to hire or employ, or to bar or to discharge from employment, “or to discriminate against such person in compensation or in terms, conditions or privileges of employment”, someone who uses marijuana legally, “unless reasonable suspicion exists that the employee was impaired by marijuana at the employee’s place of employment or during the hours of employment.”
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Washington: Second Senate Committee Votes to Make Medical Marijuana Tax Free

A second Senate committee in Washington State has voted to pass legislation removing the 37% marijuana excise tax for qualified patients.

House Bill 1453 was given approval today by the Senate Ways and Means Committee, a week after it was passed by the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee in a unanimous vote. The measure was approved through the full House of Representatives 85 to 12 earlier this month.

The measure provides “a permanent tax exemption from the 37 percent cannabis excise tax for qualifying patients and designated providers with a recognition card on purchases of cannabis products that are labeled as Department of Health (DOH)-compliant product and tested in accordance with the DOH’s rules.”
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California: Government-Funded Survey Finds 62% Believe Marijuana Legalization Has Had a Positive Impact

New polling data commissioned by the California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) shows that a strong majority of adults in the state believe the legalization of marijuana has benefited the community.

The survey, conducted by FM3 Research as part of the Department’s Real California Cannabis campaign, found that 62% of Californians believe the legalization of cannabis has had a positive impact on the state.

The survey also found that 86% of marijuana consumers believe it’s important to purchase their marijuana legally.
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US House Bill to Allow Marijuana Banking Gains 104th Sponsor

The SAFE Banking Act just gained its 104th sponsor in the United States House of Representatives.

On Friday Congressmember Susan Wild (D-PA) joined the list of 103 lawmakers currently sponsoring the SAFE Banking Act. The SAFER Banking Act, an updated Senate version of the bill, has 35 sponsors.

The SAFE and SAFER Banking Acts would allow banks and other financial institutions to provide banking services to state-legal marijuana businesses. This included debit and credit card services, access to business loans and so forth. The SAFE Banking Act was filed in April, while the SAFER Banking Act was filed in September.
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Washington Legislature Passes Bill to Alter Possession Limit for Marijuana-Infused Liquids

Washington’s full legislature has approved a bill to alter the state’s possession limit for marijuana-infused liquids, sending it to Governor Jay Inslee for consideration.

Washington’s House of Representatives voted 88 to 9 earlier this month to pass House Bill 1249. On February 22 the measure was passed through the whole Senate 47 to 1.

Now, the measure will be sent to Governor Jay Inslee for consideration. Even if Inslee chooses to veto the measure, it has well more than the 2/3rds support required to override a veto.
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Legislation to Decriminalize Psilocybin Filed in Connecticut

Legislation that would decriminalize the personal possession of psilocybin mushrooms has been filed in Connecticut.

Dried psilocybin mushrooms. (Photo credit: Rich Townsend/Getty Images).

House Bill 5297 was filed today in the Connecticut Legislature and assigned to the Joint Committee on Judiciary.

The measure states that “Any person who possesses or has under such person’s control less than one-half ounce of psilocybin, except as authorized in chapter 420b of the general statutes, shall:
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