U.S. Judge Rules Prohibition On Marijuana Users Owning Guns Is Unconstitutional

A federal judge rules today that the law prohibiting marijuana users from possessing firearms is unconstitutional.

The federal judge in Oklahoma cited last year’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling that significantly expanded gun rights as the basis for their conclusion that it’s unconstitutional to ban marijuana users from owning firearms.

U.S. District Judge Patrick Wyrick, an appointee of former Republican President Donald Trump in Oklahoma City, on Friday dismissed an indictment against a man charged in August with violating that ban, saying it infringed his right to bear arms under the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment. This is according to a Reuters report released today.
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Minnesota Marijuana Legalization Bill Passes 6th House Committee

A sixth committee in the Minnesota House of Representatives has passed legislation to legalize marijuana which has already been approved by four senate committees.

The House Agriculture Finance and Policy Committee passed measure through the committee in a voice vote, making it the sixth committee to pass the bill. A companion bill in the Senate has been passed by four committees. It will need to be passed by seven more House committees and 14 more Senate committees before it can receive votes by the full chambers.

“Minnesotans are ready for this”, said Representative Zack Stephenson, the bill’s prime sponsor in the House, prior to the committee’s vote. “Our current laws regarding cannabis are doing more harm than good. Minnesotans deserve the freedom and respect to make their own decisions about cannabis use.”
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Legal Marijuana Sales Begin in Missouri Next Week

The legal distribution of recreational marijuana will begin in less than a week in Missouri.

Legal marijuana sales for everyone 21 and older begins in the state on February 8th, just three months after voters passed an initiative to make such sales possible. The initiative passed 53% to 47%, placing them among 20 other states with legal marijuana.

Most medical marijuana dispensaries started the official conversion process to allow them to sell recreational marijuana on December 8th, which was followed by a 60-day review period by the state. This 60-day period ends on February 8th, hence that being the sale sales will begin
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Study: Medical Marijuana Significantly Reduces Opioid Usage

Medical marijuana was associated with reductions in opioid dosages “which may lower their risk of opioid-related morbidity and mortality”, according to a new study published by the American Medical Association.

Conducted by researchers at New York’s Department of Health, the objective of the study was to ” assess changes in opioid dosages among patients receiving MC [medical cannabis] for longer duration compared with shorter duration.”

This cohort study of New York State Prescription Monitoring Program data from 2017 to 2019 included patients receiving MC for chronic pain while also receiving opioid treatment. Of these, patients receiving LOT [long-term opioid therapy] prior to receiving MC were selected. Individuals were studied for 8 months after starting MC. Data were analyzed from November 2021 to February 2022.
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Poll: 67% of Texans Support Legalizing Marijuana, 82% Support Medical Marijuana

A massive majority of those in Texas support legalizing recreational marijuana, and an even larger percentage support decriminalizing marijuana and legalizing it for medical use.

This is according to a new survey conducted by YouGov and the University of Houston. The poll found that 67% of adults in Texas support legalizing marijuana for all uses, for all adults. When asked about decriminalizing marijuana, support jumps to a staggering 81%. Support is even higher – albeit barely – for medical marijuana legalization, with 82% in support.

The poll found strong support across party lines. Although Democrats support recreational legalization at a much higher rate – 80% – support among independents and Republicans is also high at 66% and 55% respectively.
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Poll Finds Majority of Adults in Hawaii Support Legalizing Marijuana

According to new polling a majority of adults in Hawaii are in favor of passing a law that legalized recreational marijuana.

The poll, conducted by SMS Hawai’i, found that 52% of Hawaii residents who are adults support legalizing marijuana, with just 31% opposed. This leaves 17% undecided, although if all 17% decided to oppose legalization it would still maintain majority support.

“Reasons for support are varied, but tend to center on social and economic benefits, the belief that citizens should have the ability to choose what to do with their bodies, and the fact that cannabis is perceived to be safe, especially compared to prescription drugs”, states the authors of the poll. “Reasons for opposition are equally varied, but focus on the perception that society may be harmed, the belief that cannabis itself is harmful (and a potential gateway to other drugs), and insistence that cannabis will be abused if legalized”.
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D.C. Mayor Signs Medical Marijuana Expansion Bill Into Law

Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has signed into law legislation that significantly expands the district’s medical marijuana program.

The legislation (Bill 24-0113) was introduced by Council Chair Phil Mendelson on behalf of Mayor Bowser, who signed the measure Into law on Monday. It passed the council last month in a unanimous 13 to 0 vote.

The new law removes the cap on the number of plants that a cultivation center can grow and significantly increases the number of permitted dispensaries in the District. The law also creates new business categories within the industry including on-site consumption facilities and marijuana cooking classes, and it makes permanent the option for patients to self-certify that they’re qualified medical marijuana patients.
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Study Finds CBD Can “Selectively Kill a Subset of Gram-Negative Bacteria” Including Gonorrhoeae

A new study reports for the first time that “cannabidiol can selectively kill a subset of Gram-negative bacteria that includes the ‘urgent threat’ pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae.”

Published in the journal Communications Biology, the study was conducted by researchers at the New York University School of Medicine in New York City and Universidad Miguel Hernández and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas in  Alicante, Spain.

“Antimicrobial resistance threatens the viability of modern medicine, which is largely dependent on the successful prevention and treatment of bacterial infections”, states the study’s abstract. “Unfortunately, there are few new therapeutics in the clinical pipeline, particularly for Gram-negative bacteria.”
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Study: CBD Decreased Anxiety Scores in 79.2% of Patients and “Remained Decreased During the Study Duration”

A new study published in The Permanente Journal and on the website for the National Library of Medicine has found that the cannabis compound cannabidiol (CBD) may be a potential treatment option for anxiety.

Researcher for the study note that a “recent surge in scientific publications has found preclinical and clinical evidence documenting value for CBD in some neuropsychiatric disorders, including epilepsy, anxiety, and schizophrenia, with evidence pointing toward “a calming effect for CBD in the central nervous system.” They note that “Interest in CBD as a treatment of a wide range of disorders has exploded, yet few clinical studies of CBD exist in the psychiatric literature.”

With that in mind, the objective of this study was to “determine whether CBD helps improve sleep and/or anxiety in a clinical population.”
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Third Minnesota Senate Committee Approves Bill to Legalize Marijuana

Legislation to legalize marijuana in Minnesota is advancing at a rapid pace, with three senate committees and four house committees voting to pass the measure.

Senate Jobs and Economic Development Committee voted 5 to 3 today to a measure to legalize marijuana for everyone 21 and older. The proposal has already been approved through two other senate committees, as well as four house committees.

“Prohibition of cannabis is a failed system that has not achieved the desired goals and has had incredible costs for our communities, especially for communities of color,” said Senator Lindsey Port at today’s hearing. Port is the prime sponsor of the bill in the senate, with the prime house sponsor being Representative Zack Stephenson.
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