Legislation to create a task force explicitly designed to research psilocybin and create a pathway to legalization has been passed by the full Washington State Senate.
Senate Bill 5263 was filed by Senator Jesse Salomon along with a coalition of 21 bipartisan cosponsors. The measure initially would have established a legal framework for supervised psilocybin use, but it was substantially altered in committee effectively turning it into a research bill. The measure would establish the Washington Psilocybin Advisory Board within the Department of Health.
“The legislature intends to establish an advisory board, interagency work group, and a task force to provide advice and recommendations on developing a comprehensive regulatory framework for access to regulated psilocybin for Washington residents who are at least 21 years of age”, states the text of the bill. The measure would “develop a long-term strategic plan for ensuring that psilocybin services become and remain a safe, accessible, and affordable option for all persons 21 years of age and older in this state for whom psilocybin may be appropriate.” Continue reading