Arkansas: $22.4 Million in Medical Marijuana Sold in February

In Arkansas there was over $22 million dollars worth of marijuana and marijuana products purchased by authorized medical marijuana patients in February.

According to data released by the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration, there was $22.4 million worth of medical marijuana products purchased in February, a slight decrease from the month prior (of course February had less days than January). In January there was $23.1 million in medical marijuana sold.

In total so far in 2023 Arkansas medical marijuana patients have purchased $45.5 million worth of the medicine, a 9.6% increase from the same period in 2022.

According to state data there is just shy of 100,000 registered medical marijuana patients in the state. Combined they purchased 4,420 pounds of cannabis in January and 4,412 pounds in February.

Although Arkansas legalized medical marijuana through a citizen’s initiative in 2016, the first medical marijuana dispensary didn’t open its doors until 2019.

Last year Arkansas voters had the opportunity to legalize recreational marijuana through the initiative process but instead rejected the measure. However proponents have vowed to move forward with the new measure they hope to place on the 2024 general election ballot. In the legislature State Senator Joshua Bryant recently filed legislation that would make recreational marijuana a constitutional right.

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