Missouri: $100 Million in Marijuana Sold in First Month of Legal Sales

In the first month of legal marijuana sales in Missouri, there was $100 million in marijuana and marijuana products purchased throughout the state.

According to data released by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, marijuana sales in February topped $102.9 million last month. Of this amount $72 million came from recreational marijuana sells, with the remainder being medical marijuana sales.

The $102.9 million sold would likely have been even higher if not for February being a short month and sales not starting until February 3rd.

“That’s more than double what Illinois did in a state with twice the population,” said Andrew Mullins, executive director of the Missouri Cannabis Trade Association. “So it really shows the interest and excitement for the new adult-use industry in Missouri.”

Jack Cardetti, a spokesman for the same association, said that better access for consumers played a big part in Missouri’s strong sales numbers. He notes that the state has 196 dispensaries to serve a population of 6 million, while Illinois has only 113 retailers but a population of 12 million.

“Not only are the retail prices lower in Missouri than Illinois, but when you actually factor in the higher taxes in Illinois, the take-home price is significantly lower,” said Cardetti . “We’ve seen time and time again, if you tax marijuana too much, people will continue to access the illicit market, which is exactly what legalization is meant to prevent.”

Marijuana was legalized last year through the passage of a citizen’s initiative. The measure garnered support from 53% of voters.

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