Massachusetts: Price of Marijuana Down Almost 50% Since Start of Legal Sales in 2018

According to data released by the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission, the price per gram of legal marijuana as of February was $7.12, a new all-time low.

The $7.12 average is a 49.4% decrease from the $14.09 average at the start of legal recreational marijuana sales in December, 2018. This is lower than the $7.61 average the month prior, which itself was a new low. The all-time high was in January, 2020 with the average per gram at $14.68.

In total there has been around $5.165 billion in legal marijuana sold between December, 2018, and February 19, 2023. Of this $4.17 billion was recreational marijuana sales, with the remaining $995 million being from the distribution of medical marijuana.

The state’s year-to-date sales as of February 19 is $199 million in recreational sales and $32.8 million in medical sales.

According to the commission the price per ounce as of the end of January is also at an all-time low, with an average of $201.98. The high was $416.09 in January, 2020.

In Massachusetts recreational marijuana is subject to:

  • A state sales tax: 6.25%
  • A state excise tax 10.75%
  • A local option tax for cities or towns: up to 3%

Based on these numbers the state has garnered $34 million in taxes in 2023, and $700 million since the start of legal sales (this isn’t including the money made by localities).

More detailed legal marijuana sales data can be found on the website for the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission by clicking here.

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