Montana Breaks Monthly Record With $27 Million in Legal Marijuana Sales in March

In Montana there was $27,098,679 in legal marijuana and marijuana products purchased in March, resulting in $4.5 million in taxes.

Of the just over $27 million in marijuana sales, $21,223,782 came from recreational marijuana, with the remaining $5,874,897 from the purchase of marijuana for medical use. The year-to-date total for 2023 is now $76,575,277.

The new sales numbers, released by the Montana Cannabis Control Division (a division of the Montana Department of Revenue), bring the January 2022-to-date total for marijuana sales to $380,139,157. Although medical marijuana was legalized in Montana in 2004, recreational marijuana wasn’t legalized until 2021, with the first store opening January the following year.

The $27 million made in March is the highest single-month total ever recorded in Montana. The previous highest month was August, 2022 with $26,808,609, just barely edging out September and July of the same year with $26,555,703 and $26,536,524. The slowest month was February, 2022 with $22,891,396 in sales.

Under Montana’s marijuana law those 21 and older are allowed to possess up to an ounce of marijuana, which they can purchase from a licensed marijuana retail outlet. Marijuana is taxed at 20% for recreational marijuana, and 4% for medical.

More information on marijuana sales and tax revenue in Montana can be found on the website for the Montana Cannabis Control Division by clicking here.

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