Over $80 Million in Legal Marijuana Sold in Oregon in March

There was $81 million in legal marijuana sold in March in Oregon.

In total Oregon sold $81,342,063 in March, a 10.4% increase from the month prior. This is according to data released by the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission.

The $81 million sold garnered $13.8 million in marijuana tax revenue, based on the state’s 17% marijuana tax rate. This doesn’t include any tax revenue obtained by cities who have established their own local tax.

There has now been $5.5 billion in legal marijuana sold between October, 2016 and March, 2023, bringing in roughly $934 million in tax revenue. The top month was April, 2021 with $110 million sold

The $81.1 million in marijuana sold in March was a decrease from March 2021 and 2022, but was higher than each of the Marchs prior. In March, 2022 there was $88.9 million in sales.

In Oregon licensed marijuana retail outlets are authorized to sell marijuana to anyone 21 and older. Personal possession limits are:

  • Two ounces of usable marijuana in a public place;
  • Eight ounces of usable marijuana in your home;
  • 16 ounces of cannabinoid products in solid form or cannabinoid concentrates;
  • 72 ounces of cannabinoid products in liquid form;
  • One ounce of cannabinoid extracts

Oregon’s marijuana law was approved by voters in 2014.

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