The American Pharmacists Association Endorses Decriminalizing All Drugs

The American Pharmacists Association (APhA) has passed a resolution endorsing the decriminalization of all drugs for personal use.

Founded in 1852, the APhA is the nation’s first professional society of pharmacists and currently consists of more than 62,000 practicing pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists, student pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and others interested in the profession.

The group’s 2023 House of Delegates recently voted in favor an amendment to their existing policy that states “APhA supports decriminalization of the personal possession or personal use of illicit drug substances or paraphernalia.

In addition, they approved an amendment stating that “APhA supports voluntary pathways for the treatment and rehabilitation of individuals who are have been charged with the possession or use of illicit drug substances and who have substance use or other related medical disorders.

“APhA’s historic statement recognizes that criminalization and punishment will only harm the most marginalized among us”, said Sheila Vakharia with the Drug Policy Alliance, said in a press release. “We have lost over a million lives to preventable overdose deaths during the overdose crisis. I it is clearer than ever that we must move away from a punitive approach and instead have one grounded in compassion and public health”.

A full list of policies and amendments adopted by the 2023 APhA House of Delegates can be found by clicking here.
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