Nevada Bill to Increase Marijuana Possession Limit by 250% Passed by Committee

Legislation is Nevada that would drastically increase the possession limit for legal marijuana and marijuana concentrates while also allowing dispensaries to obtain dual licenses, has been passed by a key Senate committee.

In Nevada the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana, and up to from one-eighth of an ounce of marijuana concentrates, is legal for those 21 and older. The law was passed by voters in 2016, and took effect the following year.

Senate Bill 277 would increase the possession limit for dried marijuana from one ounce, to 2.5 ounces, and would double the limit for concentrates from one-eight of an ounce to one-fourth of an ounce. The proposal would also allow dispensaries to obtain dual licenses, allowing them to sell to both medical patients and recreational consumers.

The proposal was recently passed through the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee, and has been assigned to the to the Senate Finance Committee. If it’s approved through Finance, it will be sent to the full Senate.

Section 3, 5 and 6 of this bill would “prohibit the Board from issuing or renewing a medical cannabis establishment license on or after January 1, 2024, unless the medical cannabis establishment is located in a local governmental jurisdiction that is a “covered jurisdiction,” which section 3 defines to mean a local governmental jurisdiction that has adopted local cannabis control measures which prohibit the operation of adult-use cannabis establishments.”

The measure then “sets forth a similar process to allow a person who holds a medical cannabis establishment license for a medical cannabis establishment that is located in a covered jurisdiction to apply for and be issued an adult-use cannabis establishment license of the same type if the local governmental jurisdiction in which the establishment is located ceases to be a covered jurisdiction.”

SB 277 also:

  • Increases the maximum amount of the fees that the Board is authorized to charge for the issuance or renewal of an adult-use cannabis establishment license.
  • Eliminates provisions which prohibit the Board from issuing a cannabis establishment agent registration card to a person who has been convicted of an excluded felony offense.
  • Eliminates provisions which make having committed or committing an excluded felony offense grounds for the immediate revocation of a cannabis establishment agent registration card.

For the full text of Senate Bill 277, click here.

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