North Carolina Medical Marijuana Bill May Be Considered Soon in House, Already Passed Senate

North Carolina legislators are making a late-session push to get a Senate-approved medical marijuana bill through the House of Representatives before the end of the legislative session.

State Representative Donny Lambeth, Chair of the House Health Committee, recently told local media that he believes a Senate vote on the bill could happen as soon as the end of June.

Senate Bill 3 was approved by the Senate in March by a vote of 36 to 10. This sent the measure to the House, where passage would put it before Governor Roy Cooper. Under the proposed law those with a “debilitating medical condition” such as cancer, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and post-traumatic stress disorder would be allowed to purchase, possess, consume medical marijuana and marijuana products if they receive a recommendation from a licensed physician.

Lambeth says the best chance of getting the bill passed is before the House recesses for the July 4th holiday given how many other measures the chamber must consider. However, technically the bill could be considered after the break.

“So there is nothing firm right now but a lot has to be done in the next three weeks”, says Lambeth.

Polling commissioned by state lawmakers shows that 83% of residents support legalizing medical marijuana.

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