Study: Marijuana Has 566 Chemical Compounds, 125 Different Cannabinoids

Marijuana has over 550 various compounds and “has enormous potential for biological and industrial uses, as well as traditional and other medicinal uses”, according to a new study.

Conducted by researchers at the Memorial University of Newfoundland and the University of Western Ontario, the study is titled Cannabis: a multifaceted plant with endless potentials. The study is published in the newest issue of the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology, with the abstract epublished by the US National Library of Medicine.

This study “attempts to evaluate the available literature on the ecology, chemical composition, phytochemistry, pharmacology, traditional uses, industrial uses, and toxicology of Cannabis sativa.”

Researchers note that “so far, 566 chemical compounds have been isolated from Cannabis, including 125 cannabinoids and 198 non-cannabinoids.”

Of all phytochemicals, “terpenes form the largest composition in the plant.”

The study states that “Pharmacological evidence reveals that the plants contain cannabinoids which exhibit potential as antioxidants, antibacterial agents, anticancer agents, and anti-inflammatory agents. Furthermore, the compounds in the plants have reported applications in the food and cosmetic industries.”

Significantly, “Cannabis cultivation has a minimal negative impact on the environment in terms of cultivation”, and “Most of the studies focused on the chemical make-up, phytochemistry, and pharmacological effects, but not much is known about the toxic effects.”

The study concludes:

Overall, the Cannabis plant has enormous potential for biological and industrial uses, as well as traditional and other medicinal uses. However, further research is necessary to fully understand and explore the uses and beneficial properties of Cannabis sativa.

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