New Poll Finds 59% of Ohio Voters Support Initiative to Legalize Marijuana

According to new polling a large majority of registered voters in Ohio support an initiative to legalize marijuana.

“[An] issue that will be on the ballot is to allow Ohioans ages 21 and older to buy and possess 2.5 ounces of cannabis and 15 grams of concentrates”, states the poll, conducted by Fallon Research & Communications. “They could also grow up to six plants individually and no more than 12 in a household, and products would be taxed 10%, with revenue going toward administrative costs, addiction treatment programs, municipalities with dispensaries and a social equity and jobs program.”

The poll asked registered voters “If the election were held today and you were voting, would you vote yes, in favor of this proposed law or no, against it?”

59% of respondents said “Yes”, they would vote in support of the proposal. Just 32% said “No”, with 9% “Unsure”.

Unsurprisingly the poll found support highest among Democrats, with 68% in favor compared to just 24% opposed. However, a plurality of Republicans said they support the measure, 48% to 46%. Among unaffiliated voters 62% support legalization and 28% oppose it.

Support also differed among age groups. 68% of those aged 18 to 44 said they want marijuana legalization, compared to 62% of those 45 to 64 and 46% of those 65 and older.

The poll was conducted between August 22 and 25, and it has a margin of error of +/-4.4%.

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