Michigan: Most Government Applicants Will No Longer Be Tested for Marijuana Starting Today

A rules change going into effect today, October 1, means potential government employees in Michigan will no longer be tested for marijuana.

Roughly two-thirds of the nearly 50,000 positions in the Michigan government will no require a test for marijuana for those seeking employment. This is due to a rules change made this summer by the Michigan Civil Service Commission. The change was approved unanimously.

“Use of marijuana on the job is different than having used it months before you take the test”, says Commissioner Nick Ciaramitaro. “It doesn’t make sense to eliminate qualified people because they took a gummi two weeks ago.”

As part of the new rules, certain potential employees could still be tested for marijuana prior to being hired, including those working in law enforcement and those who have to operate vehicles. Once a person is hired they could also still be tested if their boss suspects them to be using marijuana on the job.

The commission voted 4 to 0 on July 12 to approve the change. According to estimates around 200 applicants tested positive for marijuana this year and were rejected employment and sanctioned. Nearly all 200 positions will no longer require a marijuana test starting October 1, and all can send an e-mail to the civil service department and request sanction removal.

In Michigan there was $276,262,397.68 worth of legal marijuana sold in August, less than half a million dollars short of July’s record-breaking numbers.

Michigan voters legalized marijuana in November, 2018, with the first licensed retail outlet open the following year. The law allows those 21 and older to possess up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana and up to 15 grams of marijuana concentrates.

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