Ohio: With Vote on Marijuana Initiative a Week Away, New Poll Shows Strong Support

According to new polling, nearly 60% of likely Ohio voters plan to vote “Yes” on Issue 2.

The new PublicPolicyPolling survey found that 59% of those who are likely to vote in this month’s election are in support of Issue 2, which would legalize recreational marijuana for everyone 21 and older.

“Issue 2 is a proposed state law that would legalize the growing, sale, and use of marijuana for adults”, states the polling question. “If the election were today, would you vote Yes, to legalize adult use of cannabis and marijuana, or No, to keep marijuana law as they are today?”

59% said they would vote “Yes”. Less than four of every 10 said they would vote “No” (39%). Only 2% are undecided on the issue, indicating that the vast majority of people are set on their opinion of the initiative.

If voters do approve Issue 2, it would allow for the possession of up to two and a half ounces of marijuana, and up to 15 grams of marijuana concentrates, while also allowing marijuana to be cultivated for personal use. The initiative would establish a system of licensed, taxed and regulated marijuana businesses and retail outlets, overseen by a newly-created Division of Cannabis Control (a branch of the Department of Commerce).

Polling released earlier this month found that 57% of likely Ohio voters plan to vote “Yes” on Issue 2. Polling released in August found that 59% of Ohio voters support legalizing marijuana, and a separate poll released last month found that support for marijuana legalization among likely Ohio voters was even higher at 67%.

Earlier this month the full Ohio Senate has passed a resolution encouraging voters to reject Issue 2. Speaking on the Senate floor, Senate President Matt Huffman said that if voters approve Issue 2, it will be “coming right back before this body”, indicating the measure and its provisions could be altered or even repealed.

According to a recently released report, the state could gain up to $403 million in new tax revenue from the legal distribution of marijuana and marijuana products to those 21 and older.

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