78% of North Carolina Voters Support Legalizing Medical Marijuana, Finds New Poll

New polling shows that nearly eight of every 10 voters in North Carolina want medical marijuana legalized.

According to the Meredith College poll, a large majority of North Carolinians (78%) support the passage of a bill to legalize medical marijuana, with only 18% opposed.

“A majority of every demographic group in the state, even those that self-identify as the most conservative residents, support such legislation”, states the poll.

North Carolina is one of just 10 states that have not legalized any form of medical marijuana. In March of last year, the North Carolina Senate voted 36 to 10 to pass a medical marijuana bill that was filed by Senator Bill Rabon along with a bipartisan coalition of 12 cosponsors.

The “Compassionate Care Act” would allow patients with a “debilitating medical condition” such as cancer, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and post-traumatic stress disorder to possess and consume medical marijuana if they receive a recommendation from a licensed physician. The measure would estabush a system of licensed medical marijuana dispensaries allowed to sell the product to patients.

Although the House of Representatives did not vote on the bill prior to the end of the legislative session, proponents of the issue are hoping the chamber will consider it during this year’s session.

The Meredith College poll had 760 participants polled between January 26 and 31. The survey has a margin of error of +/-3.5%.

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