Florida Bill to Preemptively Limit THC Content of Legal Marijuana Dies in Committee

Legislation to place a THC cap on recreational marijuana appears to have died in committee.

Earlier this month the Senate Health Policy Committee voted 7 to 3 to pass a bill placing a 30% THC cap on dried marijuana flower and a 60% THC cap on marijuana concentrates, despite marijuana not yet being legal in the state. This sent the measure to the Senate Fiscal Policy Committee. Given the committee’s final meeting of the session is today, and Senate Bill 7050 is not on the committee’s agenda, this signals that the measure will not receive a vote and thus is officially dead for the session.

A companion measure – House Bill 1269 – also appears unlikely to advance in the Senate this session, even if it’s approved by the full House of Representatives. The measure was approved earlier this month by the House Healthcare Regulation Subcommittee.

Both bills would preemptively establish a cap of 30% THC for any legal marijuana sales, and a 60% THC cap for marijuana concentrates. The measure, which would have also placed a ban on marijuana edibles with more than 200 milligrams of THC, was filed in anticipation of voters approving an initiative this November to legalize recreational marijuana for everyone 21 and older.

The amendment that’s set to appear on November’s ballot would allow those 21 and older “to possess, purchase, or use marijuana products and marijuana accessories for non-medical personal consumption by smoking, ingestion, or otherwise.” Licensed marijuana retail outlets would be allowed to distribute the plant, with any of the state’s licensed medical-marijuana dispensaries allowed to “acquire, cultivate, process, manufacture, sell and distribute such products and accessories.”

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