Montana Legal Marijuana Sales Top $25 Million in January

In January there was just over $25 million in marijuana sold legally throughout Montana.

According to data compiled and released by the Montana Cannabis Control Division, there was $25,110,065 in legal marijuana and marijuana products sold in January. This is a slight increase over the $24,946,537 sold last January.

$20,874,549 of the marijuana purchased in January was for recreational use, with the remaining $4,235,515 purchased by medical marijuana patients.

In 2023, Montana marijuana stores sold $319 million worth of product, resulting in over $50 million in tax revenue. All-time sales (starting January, 2022) now stands at $647,841,080, bringing in $104,154,028 in tax revenue for the state.

The monthly record for marijuana sales remains the $28.5 million sold in July, 2023. Marijuana sales data for each month includes the distribution of dried marijuana flower and shake, as well as a variety of marijuana products including edibles, tinctures and topicals.

Montana legalized recreational marijuana in 2021, with the first licensed marijuana retail outlet opening in January, 2022. The law allows those 21 and older to possess up to one ounce of marijuana, with marijuana taxed at 20% for recreational marijuana, and 4% for medical marijuana.

More information on marijuana sales and tax revenue in Montana can be found on the website for the Montana Cannabis Control Division by clicking here.

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