Top 5 States with Most Lawmakers Supporting Federal Bills to Deschedule Marijuana

There are 107 members of the United States Congress who have sponsored one of two bills to deschedule marijuana. Here’s a look at the five states with the most lawmakers supporting this move.

Earlier this month a coalition of 18 US Senators introduced the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act (CAOA). The measure would fully deschedule marijuana, allow expungements of marijuana charges, and establish a federal marijuana excise tax. In April 2023 similar legislation was filed in the House, titled the MORE Act. The proposal currently has 89 sponsors, more than any marijuana-related bill other than the SAFE Banking Act, which has 120.

Between the two bills, there are 30 different states with representatives sponsoring legislation to completely remove marijuana as a substance on the Controlled Substances Act.

Below are the five states with the most lawmakers supporting these efforts.


16 representatives

  • Senator Laphonza R. Butler
  • Senator Alex Padilla
  • Representative Salud Carbajal
  • Representative Jared Huffman
  • Representative Tony Cárdenas
  • Representative Katie Porter
  • Representative Mark Takano
  • Representative Ted Lieu
  • Representative Mike Levin
  • Representative Ro Khanna
  • Representative Barbara Lee
  • Representative Jimmy Panetta
  • Representative Jimmy Gomez
  • Representative Brad Sherman
  • Representative Robert Julio Garcia
  • Representative Eric Swalwell

New York

12 representatives

  • Senator Charles E. Schumer
  • Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand
  • Representative Jerrold Nadler
  • Representative Nydia Velázquez
  • Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  • Representative Jamaal Bowman
  • Representative Paul Tonko
  • Representative Grace Meng
  • Representative Ritchie Torres
  • Representative Gregory Meeks
  • Representative Joseph Morelle
  • Representative Dan Goldman


5 representatives

  • Senator Edward J. Markey
  • Senator Elizabeth Warren
  • Representative Seth Moulton
  • Representative James “Jim” McGovern
  • Representative Ayanna Pressley


5 representatives

  • Senator Ron Wyden
  • Senator Jeff Merkley
  • Representative Suzanne Bonamici
  • Representative Earl Blumenauer
  • Representative Valerie Hoyle


5 representatives

  • Senator John Fetterman
  • Representative Mary Scanlon
  • Representative Dwight Evans
  • Representative Brendan Boyle
  • Representative Chris Deluzio


5 representatives

  • Senator Patty Murray
  • Representative Marilyn Strickland
  • Representative Pramila Jayapal
  • Representative Suzan DelBene
  • Representative Adam Smith
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