New Hampshire House Kills Marijuana Legalization Bill Following Senate Passage

The New Hampshire House of Representatives has voted to table a marijuana legalization bill, effectively killing it for the session after disagreements over amendments made by the Senate.

By a vote of 178 to 173, the House voted today to table House Bill 1633, despite the Senate voting earlier today to give it final approval after agreeing with changes proposed by a conference committee. Although the conference committee and Governor Chris Sununu supported the measure, it was ultimately blocked by the House.

The proposed legislation would have allowed those 21 and older to possess and use up to two ounces of marijuana, 10 grams of marijuana concentrates, and marijuana products containing up to 2,000 milligrams of THC. Additionally, it would create a system for licensed and regulated marijuana retail outlets, operated by the state, with a cap of 15 stores statewide and no more than one store per municipality.

The most contentious issue, and the primary reason for its failure in the House, was the provision requiring state-operated marijuana stores. Governor Sununu had stated he would only sign the bill if this provision was included. Despite his support, the majority of the House chose to reject the measure as written.

If passed, New Hampshire would have became the 25th state to legalize recreational marijuana.

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