New Hampshire Could Become the 25th Legal Marijuana State

Barring some unforeseen circumstances, New Hampshire is all but certain to become the 25th state to legalize recreational marijuana.

Today, a conference committee consisting of members from both the House and Senate approved compromise legislation (House Bill 1633) that would legalize recreational marijuana for those 21 and older. This follows both chambers previously approving the same bill with slightly altered language. Now, the only step remaining before the measure is sent to Governor Chris Sununu is for the House and Senate to each give the bill one final vote.

Communication staffers for both Senate President Jeb Bradley and House Speaker Sherman Packard have stated that their chambers will vote to give the bill final approval before the June 13 deadline, and Governor Sununu has confirmed he will sign it into law once they do.

Once HB 1633 is enacted into law, New Hampshire will become the 25th state to legalize recreational marijuana, marking the halfway point for the entire country. It’s worth noting that prior to the 2012 elections, there were exactly zero states where recreational marijuana was legal. That year, voters in Colorado and Washington made their states the first to legalize it, with over 20 others joining in less than 12 years since.

The proposed law would allow for the possession of up to two ounces of marijuana, 10 grams of marijuana concentrates, and marijuana products containing up to 2,000 milligrams of THC, for those who are at least 21 years old. The measure would establish a system of state-operated marijuana stores, with marijuana taxed at 12.5%.

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