Florida: Three Recent Polls Shows Support for Amendment 3 to Legalize Marijuana Above 60%

Voters in Florida are less than four months away from deciding the fate of Amendment 3, which aims to legalize recreational marijuana. Multiple polls indicate that it is on track for passage.

Amendment 3 would allow individuals aged 21 and older to possess up to three ounces of dried marijuana flower and up to five grams of marijuana concentrates. These products would be available through licensed marijuana retailers, with medical marijuana dispensaries able to apply for a dual license to sell to both patients and recreational consumers. These outlets would be supplied by licensed growers and producers, with marijuana tested through licensed testing labs.

Since Amendment 3 would change Florida’s constitution, it requires at least 60% support to be enacted into law. Based on recent polling, support is well above this level.

According to a University of North Florida poll released in November, 67% of likely voters support Amendment 3, with just 28% opposed. Democrats were the most supportive, at 78%, compared to Republicans (55%) and non-partisans/others (69%). The poll has a margin of error of +/-4.37%.

Fox News poll released last month showed support to be almost exactly the same, at 66%, with 32% opposed. The survey was conducted between June 1 and June 4, using registered Florida voters, with a margin of error of +/- 3% Pts.

A third poll, released this month and first reported by Florida Politics, found that 64% of Florida likely voters support Amendment 3, with 30% opposed.

The only recent poll to find support for Amendment 3 to be below 60% was a USA Today/Ipsos survey, released on April 13, which found 56% of registered voters support the initiative, with 40% opposed and 4% undecided. However, the poll has a 4% margin of error, and with 4% undecided, even this poll shows a clear path to victory.

In addition to leading in the polls, Smart & Safe Florida, the group behind Amendment 3, also has substantial resources. By the end of May, they had raised over $60 million, the highest amount for any statewide marijuana initiative in U.S. history. By comparison, Governor Ron DeSantis PAC opposing the initiative has raised just $10,000.

If Amendment 3 is approved by voters, it would take effect in early May. For the full text of the bill, click here.

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