Marijuana Rescheduling: Public Comment Period Ends, DEA Declines Extension

The 60-day period in which the public can comment on the DEA’s proposal to reschedule marijuana has officially concluded.

With 40,000 comments submitted, the public comment period on the DEA’s plan to move marijuana to Schedule III is now complete. The agency had the option of extending the comment period, but chose against it. All 40,000+ comments to the DEA can be viewed by clicking here.

The DEA is now required by law to analyze every comment. Once this is complete, the agency will decide whether or not to hold a public hearing. Last month, nine former DEA administrators sent a letter to the agency asking them to hold a hearing before making a final decision.

Once the DEA makes a final decision, it will be published online in the Federal Register. This posting is required to include the exact day the move takes effect.

Moving marijuana to Schedule III will drastically expand the research possibilities for marijuana, while allowing marijuana’s compounds and medicines made from them to be prescribed nationwide. The move would also provide state-legal medical marijuana patients and businesses with a variety of federal protections and benefits, including allowing dispensaries to take tax deductions with the IRS.

Polling released in May found that two-thirds of US voters support the DEA’s rescheduling proposal.

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