Americans’ Support for Marijuana Legalization Up Almost 10% Since 2015, Finds Meta-Analysis

A growing number of Americans favor legalizing marijuana, with support rising steadily over the past decade, according to a recent analysis of more than 70 public opinion polls conducted since 2015.

The analysis, referred to as The Poll of Polls and released by consumer research firm CBD Oracle, reveals that public backing for marijuana legalization has increased from 53% in 2015 to 62% today.

Support for legalization is unsurprisingly highest among Democrats, with 71.4% in favor. A strong majority of independents also back the move, though at a lower rate of 63.5%. While Republican support has not yet reached a majority, it’s close, with 47.6% in favor of legalization.

The analysis also found that age influences support, though not as strongly as some might expect. 66% of respondents under 45 favor legalization, compared to 60% of those over 45.

Notably, the survey showed only a 0.5% difference in support between men and women, and no significant difference in support among different ethnic groups.

The poll’s conclusion:

Based on the polling we’ve analyzed for this research, it appears that support for cannabis legalization is declining slightly from a high point in 2022. However, this likely isn’t a long-term trend that we should be getting worried about – if anything, the trend is towards increasing support. With cannabis legalization becoming a reality in many states in recent years, it makes sense that opinions would shift, ebbing and flowing year to year.

The most important point is that even with a decline over the past couple of years, a strong majority of Americans support the legalization of cannabis for recreational use. The longer-term trend remains one of increasing acceptance, and as in Florida, where initial signs were negative but recent polls show an upward trend when voters actually have a decision to make, things can change. The tired old prohibitionist arguments fall flat, while ordinary Americans arguing for freedom and shining the spotlight on the decades-long failures of the war on drugs have the power to change minds.

The full Poll of Polls can be found by clicking here.

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