California Governor Signs Bill Allowing Marijuana Businesses to Combine Activities Under One License

California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed into law legislation allowing marijuana businesses to conduct multiple activities under a single license.

Senate Bill 1064 was signed by Governor Newsom earlier today. The measure, introduced by Senator John Laird (D) in April, was approved by the Assembly (73 to 0) and Senate (37 to 1).

SB 1064 creates a “combined activities license,” enabling multiple cannabis-related operations to function under a single license at the same location, excluding laboratory testing. Currently, cannabis businesses must obtain separate licenses for each activity, such as retail, cultivation, or distribution. The bill aims to streamline the licensing process by consolidating certain activities, reducing administrative complexity for operators.
Additionally, the bill will remove the requirement for the Department of Cannabis Control to consider “excessive concentration” of cannabis businesses in a given area when determining whether to grant or renew a license.

The bill also includes provisions to ease the application process for owners who have previously submitted fingerprint images and other information to the Department of Justice. If an owner has already provided this information in a previous license application, they will not be required to resubmit it for future applications.

You can find the full text of SB 1064 by clicking here.

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