California Governor Signs Bill Legalizing Marijuana Cafés

California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed into law legislation that legalizes Amsterdam-stye marijuana cafés.

Today, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 1775, nearly a year after he vetoed a similar bill by the same prime sponsor.

The proposal was approved overwhelmingly by the state’s legislature: 58 to 6 in the Assembly, and 30 to 7 in the Senate. The measure will “authorize a local jurisdiction, if specified conditions are met, to allow for the preparation or sale of noncannabis food or beverage products, as specified, by a licensed retailer or microbusiness in the area where the consumption of cannabis is allowed, and to allow, and to sell tickets for, live musical or other performances on the premises of a licensed retailer or microbusiness in the area where the consumption of cannabis is allowed.”

Under current California law (the measure takes effect in 30 days), cannabis consumption lounges are not allowed to sell freshly prepared food or drinks, a restriction many have called arbitrary and unnecessary. A November 2022 rule change permitted lounges to offer prepackaged food and beverages, but the sale of freshly made food or ready-to-drink beverages remained prohibited.

In October 2023, Newsom vetoed a similar bill. However, proponents of the measure didn’t back down, and again passed the measure with overwhelming support and a veto-proof majority.

For the full text of the measure, click here.

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