NORML Releases “Smoke the Vote” Voting Guide Covering All 50 States

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) has released a “Voting guide to legalize marijuana in your state” for the November 2024 election.

Founded in 1970, the nonprofit NORML is the nation’s oldest marijuana advocacy group focused on legalizing marijuana and reforming cannabis laws in the United States. NORML works to educate the public and influence legislation on behalf of responsible adult marijuana consumers, and the group provides legal assistance and support for those impacted by marijuana prohibition.

“Election 2024 is around the corner. Do you know the candidates’ positions on cannabis policy?”, asks NORML on their website. “We know this issue is important to you, so be sure to check out our Smoke the Vote voter guide. We’ve compiled detailed information and voting records highlighting where your state and federal candidates stand on marijuana policy. Want to be an informed cannabis voter this November? Then get the facts at NORML’s Smoke the Vote.”

The voting guide allows you to enter your street address, city, state, and ZIP code to receive a breakdown of where your local, state, and federal lawmakers, as well as candidates for those positions, stand on marijuana law reform.

NORML adds that you can “Keep up with breaking election news at NORML Election Central. This Election Day, voters in at least three states – Florida, North Dakota, and South Dakota – and several major cities, including Dallas, Texas, will be deciding on marijuana-related ballot measures. Passage of these measures will bring cannabis freedom to millions more Americans.”

Thank you for reading The Marijuana Herald! You can find more news by clicking here.


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