Ohio Now Has 127 Recreational Marijuana Stores: Here’s Where They’re Located

There’s now 127 licensed medical marijuana dispensaries that have received dual-use licenses to sell recreational marijuana to everyone 21 and older.

When recreational marijuana sales began on August 6, there was nearly 100 dispensaries selling recreational marijuana. That number has since increased to 127. According to the Ohio Division of Cannabis Control (DCC), there’s also been 14 provisional licenses issued. A provisional license is a conditional approval given to a dispensary, allowing them to operate while they work towards meeting all the regulatory requirements needed for a full license.

Last week the DCC approved 121 more licenses for recreational marijuana sales, which will bring the number of outlets to nearly 250.

According to the DCC, there was $85,316,680 worth of marijuana sold legally between the start of recreational marijuana sales on August 6, and September 6.

On their website, the DCC has a detailed map listing all dispensaries that are currently selling medical and recreational marijuana. The list can be found by clicking here.

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