Poll: 49% of Marijuana Consumers Support Kamala Harris for President, 44% Support Trump

A new poll by The Marijuana Herald shows that while Kamala Harris leads among marijuana consumers for the presidency, no candidate has a majority of support.

The poll, which included 1,000 participants from all 50 states, indicates that more marijuana consumers support Vice President Kamala Harris over former President Donald Trump, but the race is tight.

Out of over 4,000 total respondents, the results were narrowed down to 1,000 who met the following criteria:

  • At least 18 years old and registered to vote
  • They say they consume marijuana at least once per week

The participants included 500 surveyed via email or online through social media, and 500 through phone calls or text messages.

According to the poll, 7% plan to either vote for a third-party candidate like Jill Stein, or they remain undecided.

The results show that support between the two major party candidates among cannabis consumers is not dissimilar to support among the general population: According to a 538 aggregate of recent nationwide polling data, 48% support Kamala Harris and 45.8% support Donald Trump.

Kamala Harris has supported legalizing marijuana since 2019. During her time in the U.S. Senate, she cosponsored legislation to deschedule marijuana, and as vice president she has championed the administrations move to reschedule marijuana to Schedule III.

Former President Trump took a hands-off approach during his four years in office. However, he recently announced his support for Florida’s marijuana legalization initiative, Amendment 3, and endorsed federal rescheduling and marijuana banking legislation.

[Editor’s Note: We did everything possible to conduct an unbiased poll using scientific methodology. However, we did not commission a third-party polling firm and do not have a history of conducting similar polls. Therefore, we do not promise that these results represent anything more than they are: a snapshot of where a specific sample of marijuana consumers stands on the current presidential race.]

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