Swing State Voters Strongly Favor Legalizing Marijuana, Finds Poll

According to new polling, a strong majority of voters in the swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin support legalizing recreational marijuana, and more than eight out of every 10 support medical marijuana legalization.

Conducted by Ragnar Research Partners, the poll states that “Voters in swing states overwhelmingly support responsible modernization of US marijuana policy. Over 4 in 5 support legalizing medical (84%) and over 3 in 5 support legalizing for anyone 21 years or older (62%). ”

These numbers “hold true among voters that both Trump and Harris need to win. Right now, over half of persuadable voters support legalizing marijuana for anyone 21 years or older, although they are firm that there should be an age limit (73% support).”

Ragnar says that “Regardless of who they’re voting for, persuadables leaning right and left are on the same page when it comes to how marijuana impacts the issues that Americans are most worried about right now. Overall, voters believe in the medical benefits of marijuana. But beyond legalization, 82% of voters disagree with the current policy treating marijuana as more dangerous than more notorious drugs, like fentanyl or meth. They also support it as an affordable healthcare alternative, especially for those in our society who are hurting the most from this economy.”

Voters also believe in “legalizing American production of marijuana.” Ragnar says they see it as an economic opportunity, which will open new markets for American farmers and keep the benefits here in America, instead of sending them overseas. They also “see the connection between the illegal market and cartels and they support fighting back against cartels by legalizing American production. All of this holds true among persuadable voters across party lines.”

The survey included participation from 1,000 people registered to voter in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.

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