Florida Marijuana Legalization Initiative Fails to Reach 60% Threshold

Although a majority of voters in Florida voted in favor of Amendment 3 to legalize recreational marijuana, it has failed to reach the 60% required to be passed into law.

A strong majority of voters in the state wanted Amendment 3, put forth by the nonprofit political committee Smart & Safe Florida, to become law. However, given it was a constitutional amendment, it needed 60% to be passed. With around 75% of the votes counted, Amendment 3 has around 55% support. At the time of publication votes are still being counted, but based on a detailed examination of election data The Marijuana Herald is confident in calling this race.

Amendment 3 would have allowed those 21 and older to possess and use up to three ounces of dried marijuana flower and up to five grams of marijuana concentrates. The measure would have established a licensed, taxed and regulated system of marijuana businesses, including marijuana retail outlets supplied by licensed producers and processors.

Smart & Safe Florida raised around $150 million in their campaign to get Amendment 3 approved, which is more than quadruple any previous marijuana legalization effort in any state. However, the opposition group, led by Governor Ron DeSantis, raised millions of dollars themselves in the final weeks.

DeSantis has been accused of illegally using millions of taxpayer dollars to oppose Amendment 3.

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