New Mexico Lawmaker Files Bill to Mandate Medical Cannabis Insurance Coverage

A new bill introduced today in the New Mexico House of Representatives would require insurance coverage for medical cannabis.

House Bill 527, sponsored by State Representative Cristina Parajón (D), would require health insurance providers to cover medical marijuana as they do other prescription medications.

The legislation, if enacted, would amend the Health Care Purchasing Act, the Public Assistance Act, and the New Mexico Insurance Code to mandate insurance coverage for an “adequate supply” of medical marijuana for individuals with qualifying conditions. The bill defines an adequate supply as a three-month allotment of marijuana obtained from an in-state retailer. It also establishes a direct payment or reimbursement system for cannabis retailers and qualifying patients.

HB 527 outlines an extensive list of debilitating medical conditions that would qualify for coverage, including cancer, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The measure also provides flexibility for the state Department of Health to approve additional conditions.

If passed, the bill would mark a major shift in medical marijuana policy, making New Mexico one of the first states to require insurance coverage for cannabis. The legislation is set to take effect on January 1, 2026, if approved by the legislature and signed into law.

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