Massachusetts: Cost Per Gram of Marijuana Drops to Record Low, 70% Decrease from 2020

The cost per gram of dried marijuana has reached its lowest point ever in Massachusetts.

According to data released today by the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission (CCC), the average price for a gram of dried marijuana as of February is $4.40, a new all-time low. This marks a 17% decrease from the average price in February 2024, and a 28% decrease from February 2023.

Even more eye-opening is the fact that prices are down 70% since February 2020, when the average cost was $14.57

According to the research firm Headset, there was $123 million in legal marijuana sold in Massachusetts in February, a roughly 3% decrease from the average the previous February.

Massachusetts legalized cannabis in 2016, with the state’s first licensed marijuana store opened in November 2018. The law allows those 21 and older to possess up to one ounce and cultivate up to six plants for personal use. Recreational marijuana purchases are taxed at a 10.75% excise rate, along with the standard 6.25% statewide sales tax, while medical marijuana sales remain tax-exempt.  Revenue from marijuana taxes is distributed among the Marijuana Regulation Fund, local municipalities, and the state’s General Fund.

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