New York Democrat Files Bill to Increase Penalties for Underage Cannabis Possession

A bill introduced today by State Senator James Sanders (D) would increase penalties for those under 21 caught possessing cannabis in New York.

The measure, Senate Bill 6611, has been referred to the Senate Codes Committee for consideration.

Under current law, underage marijuana possession is punishable by a civil fine of up to $50, along with an informational warning about cannabis risks. If passed, SB 6611 would raise the maximum fine to $250 and allow for up to 30 hours of community service as an alternative or additional penalty. The bill also explicitly allows law enforcement to seize marijuana found in possession of individuals under 21.

While recreational marijuana has been legal for adults 21 and older in New York since 2021, Sanders’ proposal seeks to add stricter enforcement measures for those under the legal age. The legislation does not introduce criminal penalties but significantly increases financial and service-based consequences.

The bill will first be reviewed by the Codes Committee, which oversees criminal justice and legal matters, before it can advance to a full Senate vote.

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