Pennsylvania Lawmakers Introduce Four Marijuana Bills on 4/20

Four separate marijuana proposals were introduce today in the Pennsylvania Legislature.

Pennsylvania lawmakers filed several pieces of marijuana-related legislation today to commemorate the marijuana holiday 4/20. One of the bills, filed by 10 lawmakers, “urges the federal government to remove cannabis from Schedule I”.

“As legislators, we must raise up the voices of our constituents when they tell us something is amiss,” said a press release about the measure. “By showing our support for de-scheduling cannabis, Pennsylvania can be part of the push to equitably legalize this historically villainized plant.”

A different proposal urges the Medical Marijuana Advisory Board “to encourage and facilitate PASSHE universities in obtaining United States Drug Enforcement Agency registrations to authorize the possession of cannabis for clinical registrants.” Proponents of the bill say it would allow clinical registrants to continue hands-on work with actual marijuana plants in order to aid research universities and state physicians.

A third measure would require that medical professionals who authorize use of medical cannabis to “undertake continuing education so they can provide the highest quality of care for medical cannabis patients.” Four hours of annual continuing education courses for medical practitioners certified to authorize the use of medical marijuana would be required. The proposal would also lead to the development of courses and subsidize costs for continued education for practitioners in marginalized communities.

The final bill would allow nurses at schools to administer medical marijuana to students who are medical marijuana patients.

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